Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"...she laughs at the days to come."

She doesn't laugh because she thinks the future will be happy-funny. She laughs because she is strong enough to pursue her dreams, knowing full well that life will throw all kind of obstacles in her way, and the only way to get through those obstacles without feeling completely overwhelmed and discouraged is to find it funny.

Take today for example.

I had the idea that I would take the kids and the chainsaw on my lawn-tractor/wagon setup down the road to quickly whack down some woody brush that was growing up in the fencing. First, I added some bar and chain oil to the chainsaw, spilling a bit, then added the gas/oil mix. I then spent the next twenty minutes trying to get the thing started. It sounded agonizingly close to starting. Just one more pull, I kept thinking. Until I realized a small blister was forming on my hand and my arms were feeling so rubbery I was in danger of dropping the saw.

Of course I couldn't let the fact that I couldn't get the chainsaw started ruin my fun, so I packed up the handy battery-powered reciprocating saw into the wagon, along with a trash bag and pick-stick to pick up some trash. With Z sandwiched between me and Joe, I started the tractor and Joe steered up the drive to the spot I wanted to clear.

First, we walked the further up the drive to where beer cans and bottles littered the ground beneath the trees. Everything went smoothly aside from the tantrum Z threw when she got tired of walking.

Then back to the tractor where I cut down a few saplings growing in the fence line. The reciprocating saw worked fantastically for this, and was probably a whole lot easier to handle than the chainsaw for such light work.

The wagon was full, so we were about to head back... but I couldn't get the tractor started. So I pushed the tractor out of the drive, then proceeded to get hair and clothing caught in blackberry brambles. I was thankful to have my gloves on.

Then the walk back. Arms still rubbery, I had to carry a tired toddler all the way back to the house, struggling not to drop her growing, chunky body.

And so I have the choice to get frustrated or to laugh.

And that's why we call it The Funny Farm.

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