Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This Is My Husband

Pity me.
No, really, I'm just kidding. Although sometimes it is like having three little kids to monitor instead of just two, he is a pretty great guy to have around.
I met Chris (for those of you who don't know the story) when I moved to Nashville and started attending Belmont University. He worked in the landscape maintenance department, and had plenty of opportunity to scope out the ladies on campus. Then he scoped me. Then he started stalking me. Really. He knew where I parked, he knew when and where I walked on campus, and his co-workers would radio him if they spotted me. He asked me out. I told him I wouldn't date him, as it was pretty obvious he wasn't the kind of guy I should get involved with. We became friends.
Three or four years later, a guy I worked with walked up to me out of the blue and said, "You know, God will make him into the man you need him to be." I thought - who?

Six years ago, Chris decided to give up drugs and alcohol for God. He never had withdrawal symptoms like he had in the past when he tried to quit drinking. We started dating. He met my parents and terrified my mom. (Tatoos and long hair?!? Not what she had envisioned.) A year later, with my dad's blessing (thanks, Dad), we got married.

Anyway, I was thinking about how he has become the man I need him to be.
-He works hard to provide for the family, but never makes work more important than family needs. If I have a splitting headache, he will figure out how to get home so I can get the break I need. -He does the dishes almost every night and takes care of the trash. -He will check on the kids in the middle of the night (if I kick him). -He is very handy with tools (like me). (Have you seen our house?) -He is generous and helpful with a balance that I need to learn. He doesn't feel guilty if he tells some one 'no', and when he says 'yes', it is usually because he feels like God wants him to. -He tells me I am 'the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world'. (Who knew?)

I could go on.

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