Monday, January 14, 2008


Last Thursday, Reanna turned 12. Friday, Reanna and Finley baked a killer, chocolate birthday cake, using a recipe out of Reanna's new cookbook.

Since we had, unfortunately, not planned very well for this event, we decided last moment to go with Reanna's idea to go out to eat at Chuck E. Cheese's.

I forced myself to put aside any misgivings I had about the nutritional value of the food there and the crowd of loud and screaming children, and threw myself whole-heartedly into the idea. It was Reanna's birthday, after all. I have to admit we had lots of fun.
Finley enjoyed riding next to Mr. Cheese in his car.
Joe... not so much.
Finley didn't want to sit on stage with the big, freaky dog... She was afraid he'd step on her.
And the fine, birthday lady upon the white horse.

1 comment:

Al said...

oh, she looks happy. way to go against your better judgement and have a really good time at the old chucksters' place! Isaac's aunt recently took him to the Pizza Machine (a Chuck E. Cheese equivalent) and he brings it up nearly every day since. (sigh).