Thursday, October 28, 2010


A week or so ago, we heard some scritch-scratching from inside the wall behind the stove. Chris set out some sticky traps in a cabinet only to find the next morning that a mouse had gotten stuck, then managed to pull itself free. Chris rearranged the traps to ensure a mouse wandering through had no choice but to step on one, but it must have learned a lesson from its encounter with the traps.

A day or two later, I heard the mouse further down inside the wall. I went out and bought some trusty snap traps. The trap I set up never caught a mouse, and I never heard another sound from the wall.

I was beginning to think the mouse had decided life was better in the big outdoors, until a foul odor started coming from the pantry-slash-laundry room a couple days ago. I found and disposed of a rotten potato, but yesterday, there was still a foul smell. Chris peeked behind the dryer last night, and noticed some left-from-the-previous-owner mouse poison. Great.

Why anyone uses that stuff is beyond me. The last thing I want is a dead mouce stuck somewhere I can't get to stinking up my home...

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