Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quick Non-Building Post

It's not all house building around here these days, although it feels like it.

Today, I let Jane out of her hutch, only to find right as we headed out the door to go to the grocery store that she had dug under the fence and was out. Grocery plans aborted, I chased her around the yard until she ran under the deck and found her way under the trailer. The neighbors have a live trap, but it was too early to disturb them, so I set about devising my own trap. A carrot, an emptied out storage bin, a stick and a string, and I had myself an old-school trap. I just needed patience. Eventually, I sent dragon under the trailer to chase Jane out. She didn't seem to be finding my baited trap, so eventually, I crawled under the deck with a chunk of celery and coaxed her close enough to grab her. I suppose I need to line Jane's entire pen with rock before I dare to let her out of her hutch again...

Another funny sight today: our dumb chicken (that's not very nice of me, is it?) decided she wanted to roost on a section of 5 foot chain-link fence. She flapped as hard as she could, only to fly right into the fence. Loud noise, embarrassed chicken, good laugh.

As if we don't have enough going on here: trying to build a house, having a child in school and all that entails, parents moving down to TN and trying to help them out as best I can, me and the kids fighting colds for the past two or three weeks... I started another quilt. So night that I am not completely exhausted, I have been trying to cut and sew the blocks. I think I almost have enough blocks done to piece it together... I'm hoping to have it done before spring so Joe can make good use of it.

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