Saturday, March 1, 2014


Never mind that 4 of the 5 of us have been fighting a nasty cold, and that one of us has the runs to boot. We are still getting work done on the house. It's called determination. Or something.

Today, Chris painted the kitchen. You might recall the paint color dilemma from a few weeks ago. After getting the 5 gallon bucket of paint re-tinted for a second time last week, I decided I would have to live with the color, no matter what I thought of it. So Chris started painting last weekend, only to find out that the paint was bad. (Globs of gunk. Not our fault, I swear.) He took it back, and we were granted a fresh start. This time, we actually liked the color. Chris left a patch of the old color for me to see the difference. He appropriately calls the old color 'booger green.' The new color has a much cleaner feel.

While he painted the kitchen, I painted a couple walls in Finley's room the Pepto-Pink she had picked. Afterward, I wired up some outlets and fixtures; then we hot-wired  the circuit to see the results.
Finley's room.

Storage area with lights!
It might have taken me all day, but that little bit was a big accomplishment for the swoony state I was in thanks to the cold and lack of sleep.

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