Thursday, January 8, 2015

Five Degrees

Woke up this morning and consulted the internet via my iPhone from the comfort of my warm bed. It said it was five degrees outside. How thankful I am for a warm bed in a warm house. Last year, we would wake up shivering in that tin can trailer.

Now that the kids are off to school, I am shamelessly feasting on coffee and the tin of Royal Dansk cookies gifted to us. My theory is that I need some extra weight to stay warm.

Last night, we put what animals we could in better shelter. The horses went to a stable with a fresh bale of hay. Daisy spent the night in the shop with the cats, probably fretting all night long that she couldn't get out of her pen to pester them. I was a little worried about the chickens. They don't all get along, so some of them stay in the safety of the chicken coop while the rest roost in the rafters of our open-air stable. I expected to walk out this morning to a half dozen bodies, frozen and fallen from their perches. But animals are far more resilient than I give them credit for. The chickens were fine.

Our sole loss was Duck, who insisted on spending the night out at the pond. We worried that he would get stuck in the middle as the pond froze, like the many stories we heard about last winter, but that isn't what did him in. We are assuming a fox nabbed him. Chris found some feathers, and is kicking himself for not making an extra effort to try to put him up in the chicken coop.

1 comment:

Chris Burnett said...

That don't make any sense. There would have been greater loss if he had put the fox in the chicken coop.