Monday, April 6, 2015

Moved and Improved

Last Sunday, our neighbor, Terry, came over to help us move the chicken coop. We had everything detached and ready to go when he showed up. He carefully lifted each side up off the cinder block "foundation" with the tractor forks while Chris and I wedged it higher. Then, two 6 inch posts were slid underneath and spaced as far apart as the forks on the tractor would allow. Then Terry picked the whole thing up with his tractor, and off we went.
 We expected the three hens that were inside laying eggs to come out scared and cackling when we started moving the coop, but the ruckus didn't scare them in the least. They went along for the ride and finished their business on the move.
 The next several nights, we managed to get most of the chickens in the coop by scattering feed inside and locking them in before they could get back out. Some, we had to catch, and a handful of others eluded capture and kept roosting in the stable.

Chris took a few days off work, and managed to finish building the run mostly on his own. He added some decking to part of the run to provide some extra protection from the weather.
Friday night brought some rain, and washed away a good bit of the chicken poop in the yard. With most of the chickens locked up in run for the weekend, the yard was relatively poop free for Easter's festivities.

As we have too many chickens to keep them in the run long-term, next project on the list is to fence in a bigger yard...

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