Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Just Do It

If I had a hundred dollars for every time the "I need a vehicle that seats seven or eight, but I don't want a minivan" post showed up on facebook, I could probably afford the 4WD Suburban I'd rather drive than a minivan.

It reminds me a bit of the struggle I have with my kids over food- my son in particular. He doesn't like any food at all that is actually good for him. I caught him making "cinnamon toast" yesterday. He had already made one piece and was working on the second. The bread was toasted, the butter applied, and then came the sugar. I watched as he started pouring sugar over the toast, his face determined, his hand steady, and he kept pouring, the sugar starting to pile into a small mountain range.

I get it. Sugar is yummy. But come on, kid. Sometimes you have to eat your vegetables even if you don't like them. You just have to.

So, all you moms and dads out there with young kids. I understand. You don't like minivans. I don't either. But eventually, we all have to grow up and eat our vegetables. Maybe the reason you eat them is because you realize all the health benefits that vegetable possesses, and so you throw it in your smoothie and find a way to eat it, even though you don't like the taste or texture. And sometimes, when you try a vegetable, you find you actually kind of like it!

So for whatever reason you don't like minivans, think of it this way. Owning a minivan is a message to the world that you are willing to sacrifice your ideal vehicle for family and friends. That ought to be something to be proud of. And if it makes you feel better, slap a bumper sticker on it that says, "I'd rather be driving a _________."

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