Friday, September 25, 2015

Tearin' Down the Trailer

There are few things in life that give a person as much satisfaction as tearing something apart.

Chris got a bee under his bonnet and with minor help from me, emptied the trailer of the last of the junk we accumulated in the 4+ years we lived in it. (Side note- leather molds faster than other materials.)

So this week, we started pulling out the fixtures, letting the kids knock a few holes in the walls, and gutting the place.

I must say, while were living in the trailer, not once did I see a brown recluse. There were other spiders that were smaller, wispy, ghost-like versions of daddy-long-legs that were forever building invisible webs in the corners. Those I didn't mind. But since we've moved out, the brown recluses must have sensed the abandonment and are EVERYWHERE. Most of them are small enough for me to squish with my fingers, but when I pulled down a light fixture to find this big, juicy one (the photo doesn't do it justice), I nearly pooped my pants. 
 I mustered up some courage, managed to knock it onto the floor with a screw drivers, then stomped it flat.

Still have a ways to go, but I'm hoping by the time cold weather sets in, we'll have a new, prettier view out our living room windows.

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