Friday, February 16, 2007

I know my kids are getting the best of me when...

1. Laundry was done on Monday, and Wednesday, there are 8 pairs of Finley's undies to wash.

2. Joe made it up a flight of stairs without me noticing. (Don't tell Chris.)

3. Finley has eaten PB&J 5 out ot 7 lunches this past week.

4. Wiping Finley's bum in a public restroom, Joe nearly manages to stick his hand in the toilet water.

5. Finley gets ice cream because she has eaten 4 slices of carrot and 2 little broccoli 'trees' for supper.

6. You catch the kids conspiring who will refuse to nap at certain times so that Mama doesn't get a break. (Not really, but sure feels that way.)

7. Ten months old, and Joe can still cry loud and long enough to get each parent out of bed at least once every night.


Anonymous said...

Aren't those weeks so exhausting? Then the next one might be pure fun... Kids.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. It reminds me how brilliant and funny and creative you are. Oh, and that I'm not alone in this body-fluid-filled adventure.