Saturday, October 20, 2007


I keep thinking about things, and wanting to put down my thoughts in the blog... But it seems like there are several different subjects that somehow relate, so as a warning, I have no idea where this one will end up.

I have been thinking about moderation, and how wonderful a thing it is.

I have been chewing on the state of the earth a lot lately, and it makes me very sad to see how ravaged it is. I think we have taken too lightly our responsibilty to care for the earth, and have done irreparable damage in the process. Hosea 4 talks about the how the land and wildlife are impacted by man's relationship (or lack of relationship) with God. Just one aspect of this is the way farming is handled today in America, the details of which I refuse to get into at this point.

What really gets me frustrated is the fact that I feel powerless to do much about it. If I only bought food from local, organic growers, we wouldn't be able to eat much, since it is simply not in our budget to do so. If we tried to live off food we grew ourselves, we'd definitely starve. (I'm hoping to get better in that area, though.) The only answer I can find is in moderation. I can be concerned. I can buy what good food I can afford, and I have to draw the line at worry. Once I begin to worry, I am no longer in balance. Moderation.

The medical field. I know some folks who are extremely anti-medical-establishment. Yes, it is amazing how God provided natural remedies to many health issues. Yes, a lot of doctors rely too heavily on what their text books have taught them instead of waiting to see what the body will naturally do to correct itself.

On the other hand, I have loved ones that are alive due to the wonders of modern medicine. I have safely given birth to two children thanks to the help of modern medicine. I'm not sure things would have turned out so well for me otherwise. Moderation.

Hangovers are no fun.

Sipping a Newcastle is just plain wonderful. Moderation.


Anonymous said...

I so agree. I begin to feel tired when I'm with people who are extremists. There is so much complexity in any given situation, things are seldom truly black and white.

Anonymous said...

balance. Balance. BALANCE. It's all about balance, isn't it? I feel you on this one. Leilani