I almost like a kid throwing a tantrum. Joe threw his first good one the other day, and I just sat and smiled while I watched him scream and roll around on the floor. Since he isn't very verbally or cognitively developed yet, it is easy just to ignore him and let him figure out that screaming won't work.
Finley is three. Finley can talk, and she is getting more sophisticated in her thought processes. This means that I find her a whole lot more difficult to deal with.
Here is an example:
F- May I play on the computer?
Me- Not right now. You've been on the computer a lot already today.
F- Please?
Me- No.
F- But PLEEEASE! (thinking that because she uses the word 'please', I have to let her.)
Me- No.
Finley drops to the floor crying and this is when I ask her if she wants to be fun or to go sit on her bed.
Another example:
We are outside, and our neighbor Brenda is out in the yard with her granddaughter, Melissa.
F- What is Nannie doing?
Me- What do you think she is doing?
F- But what is she doing?
Me- I don't know. I can't see her. Go look and tell me what you think she is doing. (I look over and see that she is obviously watering flowers.)
F- She is spanking Melissa.
Me- No she's not! What does she have in her hand?
F- What is Nannie doing?
Me- Finley, look at Nannie. She is watering her flowers.
F- Is Nannie spanking Melissa?
Me- No. (Brenda and Melissa go inside.)
F- What is Nannie doing?
Yes, sometimes she can be funny, though. Last night, we were trying to get Finley to eat some supper.
Dad- If you eat your supper, you can have ice cream tonight.
F- I'll just have ice cream tomorrow after I eat all my pizza.
(Who said we were having pizza?)
P.S.- Photo is of Finley listening to 'The Grinch...' on Reanna's ipod.
Can hardly wait to see little Finley again....maybe I can distract her a little from those probing questions!.....:)
Wow, if you added a little tinfoil to that get up she could be protected from alien attacks (like the M.Night Shamalan movie "Signs"). Funny. Leilani
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