Monday, September 8, 2008

Too Much Information...

I'm having a moment...

Actually, I've been having this moment all day long. Lots of random things running around in my head in between the toilet scrubbings and pee clean-ups. (The kids got put to bed a half hour earlier than normal tonight. Somedays you can only handle so much. Don't worry. We are letting them play in their room in their jammies.)

I picked up a National Geographic at the doctor's office on Friday. (By the way, Z is out of the harness, and we go back in two months just to make sure everything has stayed where it is supposed to.) Flipping through the pages trying to find some interesting photos for Finley and me to look at, I came across pictures of 'electronic trash' piled up in third-world countries. One photo showed a little boy taking apart a mouse to harvest the metals inside. Scattered around him were hundreds of mice. Another showed a man pouring molten lead from one pan to another. He was using his cookware to melt the lead off circuit boards. Yet another showed a guy standing in a cloud of [toxic] black smoke while he tended the fire that was melting the insulation off power cords and phone lines. Ugh. I'll not say what I'm thinking. At least not all of it. Our consumerism makes me nauseous, though...

Having a new baby makes you think a lot of the other birthing experiences. I had been thinking about my experience having Joe and how long it took to heal and how lucky I was, really, to heal as well as I did. And then we watched some news report about the war in Congo, and how rape is just a part of what is happening there. One doctor was interviewed that is treating many of the women that are raped. They are being so brutally raped that the doctor can't repair the damage to some of them and they end up having to use colostomy bags for the rest of their lives.

Then I hear an interview with a guy in a shelter waiting out hurricane Gustav. He was complaining because they had to use port-o-johns. Poor guy.

If all goes well, I'll win my first fantasy football game. We were laughing last night. I wanted the Colts to only score with field goals. I have their kicker on my roster. Chris wanted only TDs, as he has Manning. I was hoping the Bears would only score touchdowns or not at all. My opponent had the Bears' kicker on his roster. I didn't care who won the real game. FF makes you watch the games a little differently.

Surfing through some of the Craft Mafia websites, I found a site I really liked: If I had lots of money to spend, I would buy something like this:

The text reads 'small but scrappy.' More so, I just wish I had the time to find lots of clothes at a second-hand store and make them as cool as the stuff I am tempted to buy.


While reading Five Acres and Independence, I ran across a layout for garden that would support a family of six. It showed the dimesions, row spacing, what to plant.... I realized that the 100 x 200 foot plot was nearly the exact size of our current lot. All I need to do is tear down the house.

Z is turning into a little chub. And a confession: the tie-dyed onsie, I spent $20 on at a artisan festival while I was pregnant. I justified it because the hippie selling the stuff gave me some pointers.

1 comment:

Ambra said...

$20 onsies! Let's get in the tie dying business! :-)