Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Speaking of Collage...

After checking out the pathetic art sections that came with some of the traditional home school curriculums (envision 'cut out pre-drawn shape and glue to tongue depressor'), I bought a book called Artistic Pursuits. Once a week, you read the lesson that discusses a certain aspect of visual art, such as composition. Then you look at a picture of a masterpiece and talk about that work of art and how the discussed aspect is incorporated in that piece. The student then uses 'real' materials to create her own piece that relates to the lesson.
This week was about composition and using subjects from real life in your art. We learned about the Ebony pencil and the different ways to use it. This is what Finley came up with:
Flowers from my garden and Finley's hands holding a dirty worm. She took extra care to make sure she had five fingers on each hand.

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