Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Most Wonderful Coffee Cup in the Whole Wide World

I just spent at least a half an hour wandering aimlessly through the house searching in quiet desperation for my coffee cup. It was in none of the usual places. Could my children have played some sick joke on me? Did it slip through a worm hole into another dimension? On a day like today, I was feeling absolutely and completely lost without it (as was evident from my room to room meanderings).

Thankfully, I finally found it in the microwave where it was waiting patiently for me to remember that I had already poured some more coffee.

It has been with me for over a decade. I still remember finding it on a shelf in a Salvation Army Store in Omaha. It was fifty cents, possibly the best fifty cents I've ever spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember your cup and the nice feeling glaze has on the outside and good-to-grip handle. My favorite cup these day is a light weight freebie from Disabled Veterans that has blue glaze on this inside which doesn't show coffee stains! Ma