Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Soup's On...

I've been lacking in the culinary department lately and have made a bad habit of fixing the kids things I know they want to eat. In other words, a lot of junk food.

Finley and Joe have also been battling colds in some form or other for several weeks, so blaming it on all the the extra sugar and non-healthy food the kids have been ingesting (and on myself), I whipped up a big pot of soup for supper last night: my version of minestrone.

Zivah sucked it down. Joe ate all of it with only minor bribery. Finley decided she would rather *ahem* save it for breakfast.

This morning, Finley decided she would save it for lunch. She is going to her enrichment classes this morning and won't get home until noon. I am hoping she will be ravenously hungry, get over this little stubborn trip, and eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds sooooo familar! I hope her reaction isn't the same as her mother's when she had to eat the potato soup!! LOL Ma