Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Big E for Effort

This morning:
Found Finley attempting to change a very, very odoriferous, nasty diaper of Zivah's. While Zivah patiently followed all Finley's directions, Finley had carefully removed the old diaper, wiped most (but not all) of the old poo away, disposed of everything in its proper place, and was about to fasten the new diaper in place.

Zivah noticed that our rabbit was out of food, pulled the feed bucket out, and had removed the lid before I got there to assist. After I opened up the hutch and took the food bowl out, Z snatched it away from me as soon as there was food in it and, spilling only a trivial amount, put the bowl back in the cage. Meanwhile, in her sweet voice, she talked semi-intelligibly to Jane, "Hi bunny..."

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