Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This morning, I am going to take it easy: Piddle on the computer for a minute, drink some coffee, and take a long, hot shower. I managed to get the kids off to school on time, which felt like a miracle, since I was up three or four times last night with coughing children and we had a late start.

Aside from the coughing, Finley was up late reading and had started to complain about her eye... said it was blurry and everything looked kind of yellow through it. I was hoping a night of rest would clear up whatever problem it had, but she got up this morning pressing her blanket to her eye. I don't know what is wrong with it, but like I do with everything else, am just going to give it some time and see what happens. One big bummer about her eye is that today is picture day, and if she isn't comfortable relaxing and just opening it up, she is going to look mighty funny for the camera, screwing up her face like a pirate. Oh well. I am just thankful that she wore her flowered dress yesterday- the same dress that she wore for both photo days last year- and I was able to convince her that it was too dirty to wear again today and that just 'fluffing it up in the dryer' would not be okay.

Anyway, yesterday, in spite of the lack of sleep due to hacking, snotty children, Chris insisted that we clean the whole trailer in an effort to help the kids kick whatever this funk is they've been fighting. I didn't argue. If he was going to step up and help me clean, I was all for it. So I spent the morning doing laundry and disinfecting counters, knobs, and light switches. When he got home from work, he dusted, disinfected, and wiped down the floors while I fixed supper and washed dishes. I don't think the trailer has been this clean ever. It didn't even get this clean when we moved in. There is one room that didn't get any special attention, though, and that is our room. I guess since the kids aren't supposed to be hanging out in here, Chris didn't feel it was necessary. Maybe I can take care of it today... although what I'd really like is to just curl up in a ball and sleep for about two days. You'd think once you wean your infant from nighttime feedings, your zombie days are over and restful nights are all that are on the horizon. But no.

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