Friday, September 23, 2011

Today was farm day for the kindergarteners at school. Last week, they sent a note home asking if we had any farm animals we wanted to bring to show the kids. I was a little hesitant, thinking that there would probably be a truckload of people bringing farm animals since we live out here in the country.

I decided to offer to bring Isadora, our blue Polish hen. I named her after my grandmother, since they seem to share the same white, round, fluffy head of hair. I figured at least if there were other chickens, at least Isadora would be a different kind of chicken...

Turns out there weren't as many people bringing animals as I thought there would be. Out of about 100 students, only seven families brought animals. There were handful of chickens, one duck, one rabbit, a few goats, a horse, a calf, and two miniature horses.

Needless to say, Isadora and her funny feathers were quite the hit.

Maybe when Z in in kindergarten two years from now, I'll have a pig to bring, too.

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