Monday, September 17, 2012

Death and New Life in the City

As we have been under the weather for longer than I care to think, not much has been happening at The Funny Farm. We haven't been working on the house, we haven't butchered any chickens, and nothing extraordinary has happened that I would care to report.

There was, however, a tragedy last Monday at Farm Team35 (as my brother and sister-in-law's little venture in the city is called). A neighborhood dog broke into the chicken tractor and killed all four chickens. When a neighbor saw what was happening and tried to stop the massacre, the dog busted right though the chicken wire in another spot and ran off.

I might have been more upset than my brother was when I heard the news. I had read that chicken wire wasn't much of a match for raccoons, but I had no idea that a dog could do this kind of damage so easily. Setbacks are bound to happen, ("It's always something" is heard around here all the time.) and life would be a downer if we let them stop us from pursuing our dreams. So my brother buried his chickens, then set about fixing up the tractor with some sturdier wire mesh.

Yesterday, he drove out to Poultry Hollow to pick up some new birds. When I saw the pictures, I had to fight off a little chicken envy. He picked out a black and gold Polish (bottom right) that he named Arlene, and I'm going to have to get one of my own some day.
May these new ladies have many years of happiness and productivity in their new home.

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