Thursday, May 23, 2013

More Drama on The Farm

I guess I didn't need to worry about Isadora getting her chicks out of the nesting box, because we just noticed she was out in the chicken run and her chicks were with her. I went to check on the rest of her nest, and there were about six eggs left. Joe wanted to crack them open, but I really didn't want to see a bunch of mostly developed chicks splatted on a rock. Looking at them closely, Finley noticed that one of them had a pip hole in it. I picked it up, and it wasn't very warm, so thought maybe the chick was dead. I set it back down, and a few seconds later heard a tiny peep. Great.

This is where it would be helpful to have a heart of stone. If we had an incubator, my bleeding heart would insist on firing the incubator up and placing the egg in it to give the chick a fighting chance. So I am tapping into the harder parts of my heart, and will just wait to see if the chick hatches. Then I can see if Isadora will take care of it. If not, I'll pull out a light bulb and a box to keep it warm, I guess.

In the mean time, here is a video of Isadora with her chicks. Toward the end, she accidentally kicks one of her chicks in her search for food. Pretty funny.

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