Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mid-week Update

It's 7:37 a.m. The kids have been dropped off at school. And here I sit with a cup of coffee on the covered porch while the rain rattles the tin of the roof. So lovely.

This past weekend was a good one. Just after we had gotten the last of the reinforcing joists up Sunday morning, my brother, Mike, and his family showed up to help. He and Chris started adding the blocking between joists while I worked on reinstalling the electrical lines. As a result, we got a whole lot more done that we had thought possible. A few more hours of work on the electrical, and our snafu will officially be behind us.

Monday, Zivah's first day to Kindergarten, I cleaned the trailer like I mad woman. My goal was to get the bathrooms to a state that I wouldn't be terribly embarrassed if anyone needed to use them. I was sure somebody would, because I was having company that afternoon. I was having such a fun visit with my long-time-no-see friend and her significant other, that I had to be reminded to go pick up the kids form school!

Tuesday was a desperately needed trip to the grocery store, and some lawn mowing. In the middle of all this activity, I still manage to do some worthless, self-indulgent things, such as ride up to the mailbox on the riding mower when I could very well wait until I an in the van picking up the kids.
Also, I took the time to record a video of the turtles, then edit it into a nice little movie. It's completely pointless, but strikes me as funny. If it doesn't make you laugh, well, I guess your sense of humor isn't as refined as mine.
Now, I must go. For the past five minutes, I can hear a constant bellowing coming from the stand of trees in the neighbors' pasture. A steer in distress? I must find out.

1 comment:

Sallyann said...

Yes a steer was in distress Bill and Cyrus rescued him :)