Saturday, July 19, 2014

It's Always Somethin'

Stomach bugs are no fun. And when they last for six days, things can start to look really bleak. Thankfully, I have a husband that would stop at the grocery store after a long day at work to bring me chicken noodle soup and kefir and whatever else I needed, and a mother nearby who was willing to help Finley and Zivah bake birthday goodies when I felt too lousy to do it. 

So last Sunday, my digestive system was finally starting to feel a little bit normal, and we had a little birthday party for the girls who turned 10 & 6 this week. Once again, Finley topped her cake with a horse, and Zivah's cupcakes had little fishes and a big worm swimming in the blue icing. 
 Thursday afternoon, our neighbor took me to pick up a bigger trencher, and in a couple hours, Chris had the trench deepened. The plan was to finish digging out around the water and power lines Friday morning so that we could start laying the pipe in the trench that afternoon. We had about four more inches of dirt to remove when it started to rain. It rained off and on all day and night, and this morning, the kids are out playing in the big puddles, looking for turtles and frogs. The trench work will have to wait.
To make the most of the current setback, I took the opportunity to fix my goof in the electrical panel. The wire-nutted extensions for the neutral and ground wires that wouldn't reach are tucked back in the corners, so the panel doesn't look as disastrous as I thought it might.
As soon as we finish the trench and the electrical company gets the wire pulled, and the inspector gives us the green light, we might actually get power to the house. That will be something!

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