Monday, December 1, 2014

Easing from Thanksgiving to Christmas

I have just survived Thanksgiving. For that, I am thankful.

The kids were home from school all week. Thankfully, the weather wasn't awful, so the kids got in some sunshine and fresh air. In spite of the the poo scattered through the yard and sometimes tracked into the house, I am also thankful for the chickens. The birds keep the kids occupied when other animals (like Daisy) aren't as easy to play with.
 I have to admit that I am not so fond of our big rooster. He has never shown any aggression toward me, but I just don't like the way he treats most of his ladies. I rarely see him making romantic overtures to woo the hens like one of our old roosters would. Most of the time, he just takes what he wants when he wants it. Zivah, however, probably has no thoughts of the chickens' love lives, and likes him just fine. She has been getting a kick out of catching the big roo, and I am getting a kick out seeing Mr. Macho at the mercy of my baby girl.
 We hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year, and Finley helped bake some pies. We made pumpkin (from the pumpkins Finley grew this year), apple, and chocolate.
 As my in-laws gifted us with an actual tree this year, I let the kids decorate it before Thanksgiving. Three different colors of garland, multi-colored lights, and the miscellany of ornaments make it a sight to behold. The kids think it is beautiful. I am glad they like it.
 So this year, our cactus was spared from the heavy burden of all those ornaments, but it just wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't decorate the cactus. A strand of white lights, red garland, and candy canes will do.
Now I need to figure out where to hang the stockings. If there is one thing I miss about our old house in Nashville, it is the fireplace mantle. Nowhere else seems appropriate.

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