Monday, June 20, 2011

At long last...

With some of my birthday money, I have ordered a laundry sorter! I can't wait for it to arrive. It might sound silly to you, but I've been wanting one for over a year. Laundry is one of those thing I dread. What makes it even worse is when I think it is time for laundry, pull out all the clothes, sort them all into various piles, only to find that there isn't enough of a certain pile to warrant a load. Then it ends up back in the laundry basket so that I don't have to trip over it for the next few days. And then some one runs out of something vital. Like underwear or socks. And then I have to dig to the bottom of the basket to get to said items. And I hate that. So it is with great excitement that I wait for the UPS truck to arrive and deliver my sorter.

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