Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garden Notes

Garden is a weedy mess with beans, squash, and cukes growing out into everything else, etc. The grass around the edges hasn't been mowed for weeks since I can't get the push mower started.

Forgot to pinch off broccoli heads, so pulled up 2 plants that were going to seed, and cut off heads of others that hadn't quite flowered yet to see if I can coax at least one dinner's broccoli out of the plants.

Planted some blue jade corn last week... wasn't sure the seed was viable since it was left over from two years ago, and I remembered that some of the seed on the cob had already sprouted from being left on the ground or something, but looks like almost all of them sprouted. Of course, I managed to trample a few in the chasing of a certain little bunny rabbit. I have the sneaking suspicion this is the bunny Chris caught and let go about 100 yards away from my garden just last week... Was tempted to put our cat on the rabbit's trail, but had better let Chris try to recapture it first.

Pole beans are producing nicely. 'Cherokee Trail of Tears' black bean that can also be eaten green. they are pretty, since the flowers are purple and there are streaks of purple along the stems and along the 'seams' of the bean. Next year I need to remember to provide at least 5' fencing for them.

Peppers look sad as the wind has knocked them sideways. Next year I need to remember to put a cage around them.

The carrots are okay. Not quite what I hoped, so am wondering what it is I do wrong there. Buford (the neighbor's donkey) likes them, though, so if the family doesn't like them, at least I know some one will appreciate them.

Oh, and I have beets. Might try making some borscht.

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