Monday, November 7, 2011

Every time I post a picture of the house these days, it seems as if there is little progress or difference in the photographs. It was exciting to see walls go up and big sections of roofing get completed. But now, detail work is more time consuming and the days are getting shorter, and as much as I would like to post a picture tomorrow of siding covering the whole front of the house... well, who know how many pictures are between here and there.

So although it may not look like it, we did get quite a bit accomplished this weekend. Trim is around the second story window, and the soffit and roof trim is up on the front of the dormer. We also decided to extend the eave across the front of the dormer to help protect the lower windows, so had to build that out and put the roofing material up. It was what my original drawings showed, but when we built the dormer I talked us out of it because I was worried it would sag. I'm glad Chris talked me back into it. We like how the eave breaks up the towering front wall. It was a pain trying to figure out how to get the metal to 'match up' (as in reality it doesn't), but we (or should I say, Chris?) managed to get it to work. 

The weather is supposed to be really nice the first part of this week, and I am trying to figure out if there is anything I can try to tackle on my own while Chris is at work and the kids are in school. Anyone out there want to come by and help hang some siding?

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