Sunday, November 27, 2011

Weekend Highlights

 I managed to finish knitting Zivah's hat. We like to call it "The-cat-in-the-hat-santa-hat". I'm working on one for Joe now.

On the way to Thanksgiving dinner, we stopped in to see the buck our neighbor had shot that morning. Terry has a way of nabbing odd deer. This one was a nine-point. He has a 13-point mounted on the wall in his kitchen.

 My brother brought his dirt bike down on Saturday, so I got my first real experience driving a motor cycle.

Chris and I finished putting up the siding on the dormer, and while I was out celebrating some family birthdays, he got it painted. We're glad to get that done with the cold, wet weather starting to settle in.
Joe likes to "race" his cars. I was getting tired of him playing with them on the carpet in the living room, so finally made him a racetrack (complete with pit road) out of masking tape in the playroom.

1 comment:

Al said...

we used to make Isaac new tape tracks every other day... probably for most of the year he was 5. Nate finally had the idea of putting the tape on a tarp and adding to it layer by layer... then we could fold it up and feel like we had a normal living space at night.... well, minus messing up the city planning arrangements of our master planner every night. He got used to the thrill or re-designing each day :-)