Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday morning, my mom showed up to help me get started putting up the siding in front. I was hoping to get three or four rows done before the kids got out of school. As we were loading some planks into the bed of the truck, my neighbor pulled up in his Gator. I thought he had come over to tell me the other neighbor's horses were out again. But he said he had heard the plea in my last blog post, and had come to help. At first I thought he was just joking, but no. Less than three hours later, we had most of the siding up on the right side. It is such a great feeling when you get done more than you expected. [Thanks again, Terry!]

And with Chris coming home from work early a few days last week, we managed to get some flashing up around the dormer and put up the siding on one wall. I'm feeling a bit more optimistic this week.

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