Friday, December 30, 2011

House and Trailer improvements

Winter has not been cooperating. Finley told me the other day that she was angry it hadn't really snowed yet. Some snow would have been nice. Then my slave-driver husband wouldn't have had an excuse to have me out helping with the siding all morning. We got as high as we could without double-stacking the scaffolding and then I quit and came inside. I should be glad that the weather has been letting us get more work done, but my hibernating instincts are high right now, and I feel a bit like a grumpy grizzly bear.
 We did have a few days of cold, wet weather, so on Christmas Eve, Chris took the opportunity to pull out the old dishwasher we never used and install a cabinet. One of the things I really like about my husband is that he cleans as he works on a project. Notice the clear floorspace. He rarely leaves a mess to get tracked around or tools scattered to be tripped on or lost. It makes renovations or construction so much more manageable.
 Here is the new cabinet installed next to the old, nasty sink cabinet.
 After the kids were in bed that night, we even put up another cabinet over the counter and moved some shelves. Having some 'extra' storage space (that is not an open shelf) in this trailer is a big deal to me. I am waiting for the kids to go back to school to school to see how I can really reorganize things in here...
I guess my break is over. Chris want me back outside to scratch heads together. We're not sure how to put up the siding when we don't know how we are finishing out the porch beams yet...

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