Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Morning Report

Monday morning. Fin and Joe are off to school, and Z is watching Diego, and I can take a moment to drink my coffee and relax for half a moment. I am ready for life to be dull for a while.

Joe caught strep last week, so Monday found us in the doctor's office with him. By Tuesday, it was obvious I had it, too. Zivah managed to take a face dive running through the kitchen Tuesday afternoon. I thought she had broken her nose, but thankfully, all she is sporting is a bruise.
(Notice the flashlight and toy gun in her hands. This is week two of her carrying them around nearly constantly.)

I finished Joe's hat.

Saturday, Chris got the trim up around the windows and door on the back side of the house, so on Sunday, we got started on the siding. Here is a picture of Terry and I doing all the work while Chris takes pictures. Okay, so really, this is a picture of Terry doing all the work while Chris takes pictures and I just sit and watch.

Siding on the back is complete!

At some point last week, we managed to decorate the cactus for Christmas. I haven't had the energy to do much else other than put up the advent calendar. I hope the kids forgive us if we don't string an ungodly amount of Christmas lights all over like we did last year. But I suppose I should at least try to get the socks put up somewhere... We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs a neighbor like Terry!!