Monday, January 27, 2014

The Trouble With Imaginative Kids

When we told the kids we were going to let them pick a color for their rooms, I don't think they understood what we meant.

Joe wanted to paint his room black, then plaster the whole thing in glow-in-the-dark stars so that his room looked like space.

Finley wanted brown, so that she could paint it to look like the inside of a horse's stall.

Zivah wanted blue and yellow (ignoring the single color restriction) so that she could have the sky with a yellow sun.

Dear children, as cool as I think your ideas are, this is not Extreme Makeover: Homeowner's Edition. Unfortunately, your parents are more practical than that. Until you can pay for and have acquired the skill set to do the work on your own, we must come to a compromise. Zivah can have blue walls, and we can make a yellow sun out of something or other. Finley's brown accent wall can be plastered with as much horse paraphernalia as her heart desires. (Well, maybe.) Joe? I would be willing to paint a small portion of your room in black and plaster it with stars, but somehow we would have to convince your dad to let us do it. I hope you will happy with your secondary choice of green.

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