Monday, March 10, 2008


I have a problem. I want to buy books. Lots of them. I've always enjoyed owning copies of fine literature, but recently, I have developed an obsession, I think.

It started several months ago when I decided to start reading Newbery Award books. These are perfect for me these days, because most of these (being books for 'juveniles') are top notch, but easy to read. I usually read one in the matter of two or three evenings. The longer, more 'serious' books take at least a month these days, since I don't get to read much during the day, and when I do, I'm too tired to focus on such subject matters.

Anyway, I decided it would benefit me and my children if these books were readily available to pick up off our shelves whenever interest is piqued (or boredom drives one to it). Several of the books from my parents shelves I ended up reading this way (Little House series being a prime example). Also, when you pick up a book from the library, enjoy it, then years later, forget the title... well, you see my point? (This is why the picture of the post is the cover of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. I loved this book in my youth, and have been thinking about it for days, but couldn't remember the title. Today, I spent several minutes perusing the library's catalogue in order to find it.)

I have yet to log on to Amazon and engage in any sort of spending spree. I'm afraid of what might happen if I allowed myself to do that. So what do I do? I think I might start making a list of potential purchases, then allow one or two monthly. Also, my birthday is coming up in June. (hint hint... )

Anyway, I had started a book blog to help me remember books I read, but then a friend invited me to join It's a good way to keep track of things you've read and want to read (and buy). I since deleted my book blog.


Lori said...

Oh, I know how you feel! I got some great ones at the used bookstore in Hillsboro Village. Maybe we could spend an afternoon there one day just looking through books and finding all the crazy good deals.

Anonymous said...

i felt a tendency towards collecting books and then displaying them and then somehow in the smallest way i started to identify myself by my books. i only want my identity to be Christ. so as an older person now who has moved and moved and is trying to tread more lightly upon the earth, i say keep yourself a notebook, use the library, and travel light.

Shyla said...

I think along the same lines as far as just having lots of good, fun, interesting books available. I love reading (to a fault sometimes) and really want my kids to love reading. I had to smile when I saw Mrs. Piggle Wiggle! I read those over and over growing up. You should know that on Amazon, a lot of books are part of their buy three get one free offer, and when you spend $25 you get free shipping. Often, though, I buy the used copies and just pay the $4 shipping as it's cheaper that way. So, last night, I saw there are tons of Mrs Piggle Wiggle books for $.01 plus the $4 shipping. I did go ahead and order them and really looking forward to some good, fun family reading time :o)
Thanks for the reminder, have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love books too. Pre-kids, one of our favorite ways to spend an evening would be to browse Borders finding all the books we wanted, then go home and order them on :) Hubs often brings me a book home as a present. At the old house about half of our books were boxed in the attic. Our first furniture criteria here were massive bookshelves. I got a huge one of the children's room and a whole set for the living room. We actually ended up bringing about 20 books (not counting the kid's books) in our suitcases...