Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Reoccurring Dream

Last night I had yet another dream that I was back in high school. Inevitably, these dreams take place near the end of a semester, and I realize that sometime in the early part of the semester, I had decided to only attend the classes that I liked. I have since forgotten what room and what time those other classes meet, and don't even remember for certain what they are. There is a sudden panic that I am flunking these unknown classes and that I am completely unprepared for the finals.

What is most amusing to me, is that at some point after high school, I made a more conscious decision to not waste my time on things that didn't matter to me or my life. I made more of a habit to skip college classes I wasn't fond of if I determined there wouldn't be any serious consequences. (Though I never bailed out on a class completely.) I sometimes wonder (as one of those who felt like high school was, for the most part, a waste of my time) how my life would have been affected if I was allowed to more fully pursue my passions at a younger age. Maybe this dream is telling me I would have really screwed up. Maybe it is just a bad dream.


Lori said...

Wendy, that is so weird. I've had the same dream--more than once. I show up to class the last week or so, only to realize that I was registered for it the entire year, and I'm bound to fail no matter what I do. What a horrible feeling.

Al said...

I too have had this dream - it was a little surreal reading your description and remembering that it was a math class in my dream, and I couldn't remember what room number or where in the building the classroom was, let alone that I was supposed to have been there all along and now I was responsible for figuring out how to make things up right at the last second... maybe this is a common enough dream that there is some interpretation out there for us all... hmmm.

Rachel Lee said...

ME TOOOO!!! I had this dream for years, then I got delivered of something last spring and had a dream that I had the exact schedule, location, syllabus, and books for my classes and I was so happy. The recurring dreams went away... but I had it again last week, to my dismay.