Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do

A few more things I forgot.

Since we got into the habit of giving Finley choices (like picking out which cereal she wants in the morning), Joe has taken a liking to choices, too. At night I have to hold up two pairs of jammies, and ask him which one. He'll quickly point to the one he wants (like poking out a tiger's eye as fast as he can) yelling, "Whi-done!!!" (The lazy version of 'which one.') If I don't offer him a choice of pants in the morning, it throws him off, and when we get ready to go outside and I ask him to get a jacket, he'll bring me two so that he can choose between the two. Ridiculous, but fun.

We have tried to teach the kids say please and thank you, instead of being demanding when they want something. If Finley says, "I want juice," or even worse, just "juice," then I wait for her to get a clue and ask nicely for it. Sometimes I'll remind her to ask nicely, and (she came up with this on her own), she will change her voice to this soft, sweet tone (so that sometimes you can barely hear her), and say, "May I have juice, please?"
Mind you, this is a little over the top for me and drives me crazy, but I don't know how to correct the over-niceness.
So last night, Joe stood up in his seat, pointed to the napkins, and shouted, "Nakin!!"
"Joe," I said. "How do you ask nicely?"
And in the sweetest, softest voice he could muster said, "Nakin?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to me about the allowing of choices; I cannot remember choice being much of an option in your growing up years...or is my memory failing me! Were you raised under repression?! Certainly could have been! :)