Friday, December 5, 2008


I really like those courtroom shows like 'The People's Court' and 'Judy Judy'. Perhaps a little too much. There is something about judges having authority to tell people like it is and the people having to keep their mouths shut and listen. I have noticed, however, that rarely do you see someone walk out of the courtroom with a change of heart.

'Judge not, lest you be judged.'

I had a little insight into this the other day... Looking at the life of Jesus in the gospels, you do see him speak in judgement of someone a few times. I got to thinking about that, and it dawned on me that there were only certain circumstances in which he did.

First, he 'judges' those that were judging others. Most obvious are the self-righteous, religious teachers. Nearly every encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees he ends up calling them something nasty as they try to point out some fault or another. He doesn't talk very nicely to them, either. He is a bit more gentle with people like Martha (Mary ought to be doing so and so), because he knows their hearts are open to his correction. This is more along the lines of 'speaking the truth with love'.

The only instance I can think of where Jesus just loses it and points the condemning finger, as it were, was in the temple when he knocks over the money changers tables. I guess he didn't have so much grace for those that purposefully take advantage of others.

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