Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A few notes on 6 mo old Z

Z is starting to get better control of those body muscles and learning to balance a little bit. She can sit by herself for a minute or so before toppling over onto the pillow. She has good coordination and can grab things easily.

She is still smiles easily, but it takes a circus act to get her to laugh. Usually the kids (or Chris) will get her to laugh by doing something completely ridiculous and loud. My only trick is a belly tickle, and that hardly ever works.

She really likes to eat her veggies. So far, I've only fed her squash, peas, and carrots, but her face lit up at lunch when I showed her her spoon, and she sucked down the squash like an old pro. I am hesitant to start any fruit, as I'd hate for her to lose her enthusiasm for veggies.

Z still isn't too fond of tummy-time, and I haven't been as consistent with it as I was with Joe.

She hasn't rolled since I wrote about that first time. I guess once she realized she would just get stuck on her tummy, she wasn't too anxious to do it again.

Of course, I can hear her crying right now, and as Joe is nearly choking me, hanging on my next...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm fully convinced Zivah thinks that yummy squash tastes just like candy! Ma