Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Snapshots and Comments

Here is Chris taking a catnap with our new kitty-cat, Dragon.
Yesterday was miserably hot (90 degrees, 90% humidity), and although I attempted a few things outdoors, we spent most of the day inside. I can't say that is good for my state of mind, or for the kids. To make matters worse, I was (am) still recovering from a cold, and didn't seem to have it in me to do much.
This morning, I took advantage of the 'cooler' weather. (It didn't reach 80 degrees until about 11, I think.) All three kids joined me outside. I bought a couple tomato plants yesterday in hopes to have a few decent tomatoes this year, so Joe and I went to dig up a small section of the yard to plant them in.
[An aside: Joe is quite the little worker. He helped me knock the dirt out of the grass clumps and load the clumps into the wheelbarrow. On Monday, he helped Chris unload some bricks out of the truck, moving them from the back of the bed to the tailgate while Chris stacked them behind the garage. He didn't stop until the job was done, and didn't complain.]
While Joe and I were working, Finley made some 'decorations; with a stick, rocks, a day lily leaf, and scotch tape.

At some point, Joe wandered off to collect 'fruit' with an idea to make juice.

While digging, I found this marble. I also kept digging up these crazy spiders that toted what looked like mini golf balls around by their hind ends.

By lunchtime, I had three little tomatoes planted.
And I used the plastic on the mattresses we bought for the kids' bunk bed to cover up another section of ground in hopes that it will kill all the grass and weeds and make for easier bed making in time for a fall planting. Later, while Z naps, I hope to get the rest of the barbed wire down near the area I want to put the compost piles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hO BOY' I'm sure glad it hasn't been so hot up here in the "far north" of Montana. yet, It will probably get up here a litle later in the year.