Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend Update

Last week in Florida, the first day on the beach, I was out in waist-deep water. I saw a smudge of brown in the sand and thought it might me some critter. I blindly dug the net into the sand and came up with this crab:
His body was roughly 4 inches across. What a catch! None of us caught anything quite so large the rest of the week, but we did get a variety of small crabs, shrimp, pipe fish, baby flounders?, sand fleas, and sea slugs.
The kids enjoyed checking out our finds as well. Finley enjoyed playing in the shallow waves on the edge of the beach, as long as she had her trusty hippo floaty with her. Joe never got the courage to brave the water on his own (which was fine by me) and would also freak out a bit if we carried him out too far for his liking.
The kids also enjoyed playing in the pool at the house. Z loved floating around in the baby float, and Finley got to where she could kick her way across the pool on her hippo floaty. Not bad for a kid that had never been in a real pool before.

Today is my birthday, and 'back at the ranch', I am sitting here fighting off a chest cold, looking out on the property and wishing I was up to doing something... We badly need to bush hog, but the tractor was overheating when we got it running, so it needs a little work before we can really put it to work. Chris is off picking up my birthday present: a 10HP chipper/shredder that I can't wait to put to good use on the big tree that has fallen down back by the old barn. My future garden plot is begging to be dug up, and I have some plastic I want to put down somewhere to kill off the grass and weeds in another future garden spot. We have some basic ideas for the house we want to build, and I want to get the measuring wheel out and drive some stakes to see where and how big we are thinking, but I need to wait until Chris mows today. If I had a riding mower (next on my wish list), I wouldn't have to wait on him...
But since my lungs are touchy and my energy is sapped (and lets not mention the 90 degree weather and high humidity), I suppose it is best to take it easy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll like the chipper alright, but they are loud, and probably a good idea to use ear plugs while using it. A riding lawn mower is a must; I love both of ours...the big tractor-type one we use for the "back 40", and the newer Snapper I use for the front yard. Neither of them hold a candle to my old one I had in Omaha, tho'. Fred has it and uses it still but it needs constant repair, etc.