Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pass the Pacifier, PLEASE.

About a week ago, I was putting Zivah to bed. I kept handing her her blue pacifier, and she kept grabbing it and throwing it across the room, crying, "Noooooo!" I couldn't find her orange one anywhere, and was a bit flummoxed as to why she was suddenly becoming picky about her colors. Upon closer inspection, I noticed a tear in it, and threw it away. Thankfully, we found the orange one, and everyone was happy.

Two days ago, I noticed a tear in the remaining orange pacifier. Perhaps it was time to break her of them. I threw it away, and when bedtime came, we had a distraught little one on our hands. She finally fell asleep nestled between Chris and me, and Chris managed to move her back to her bed without waking her.

At 2 a.m., we awoke to wailing and gnashing of teeth. A nearly inconsolable Z ended up back in our bed where she managed to drift off to sleep once again. The morning found a rather grumpy almost two year old. I emailed Chris and asked him to buy her a new pack of pacifiers. The joy on her face when she examined the new ones was obvious.

Last night, with a contended Z and the cat banished to the garage for the night, I managed to get a decent night's sleep for the first time in a week. Aaaah. Life looks so much better today.

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