Monday, June 16, 2008

Little Things

In Wendell Berry's book, Andy Catlett..., he talks about how modern culture has changed our perspective. As we drive down the road in our cars, we are forced to focus in the distance. The things closest to us are missed out on because they pass by too quickly.

Here are just a few of the little things I have happened upon when I take the time to slow life down and looks around:

This is a cactus sprout. I used to have a cactus planted in this flower bed. Four years ago I tore it out. After four years of lying dormant, this seed decided to sprout.

Morning dew drops on a leaf of our tulip poplar tree.

Every sunny, summer morning, the light streams through the crystal in the little window by the fireplace, throwing rainbows all over the room. The kids love to play in the colorful light.


Lori said...

These are beautiful. I took some pics like this today. I'll have to post them so you can see. One is of a caterpillar munching my mint.

Shyla said...

You are a great photographer, and I always love reading your posts, whether longer or just quick little things that are going on in your mind. You are so cool :o)
You have this incredible personality and way of thinking that I wish I knew better. I love getting little glimpses into your brain.

Can you email me? I lost your email and I need to ask you a couple of questions about making some meals for you when your sweet baby arrives. Thanks!

Shyla said...
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Shyla said...

in regards to the digital addiction post...

no guilt! no guilt! i couldn't even begin to count the number of hours i've spent lying on the bed or couch while my kids danced to the wiggles during those oh-so-lovely pregnancy blahs. i remember literally lying on the bed, hanging on to the shirt of whichever baby was the youngest at the time so they wouldn't fall off the bed.

sometimes a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do :o)