Thursday, July 10, 2008

Six Full Days

Six full days left. Then we get to check in to the hospital at 5:30 am next Wednesday morning.

Do I look huge? I remember looking at a friend that deliviered a couple months ago just before she was due, thinking, 'Good grief. I hope I don't get that big!' Now I'm not sure I haven't. I'm getting all those comments when I go out in public. My favorite thus far: 'You look like a spider! Huge belly, little arms and legs...' Much better than the, 'You look like you are about to explode!'

Side Note: Spider comment was given to me by the founder/owner of Piper Sandals, my new favorite footwear. I had to retire my legendary Birk knock-offs that I bought in '93.

Anyway. I am getting excited.

Here are some things I am looking forward to:

1. The hospital stay. I love my children, but a few days away from the whining and intermittent conflict will be nice. (Say a prayer for my mom.)

2. Oxytocin. Makes for a relaxed mama.

3. Baby's foot removed from my ribs, and all those sharp, shooting pains in my muscles and ligaments relieved.

4. Being able to walk after this delivery without feeling like my nether regions are going to fall apart.

5. Oh yeah, meeting the new, as-yet-unnamed baby.

Things I am not looking forward to:

1. Hospital food.

2. Hospital coffee.


Shyla said...

This time next week you'll be holding your sweet little baby...yay! I'm excited for you!

I know how you feel about the "hospital pampering." I always felt that way too. A weird little vacation.

Well, again, I lost your email. Can you email me again? I need to get directions to your house so I can get everything organized.


Anonymous said...

Your bump is CUTE. I can't wait to see her uncovered! Are you well? Do you need anything? I miss you! Love, Leilani

Anonymous said...

I don't really remember you carrying Fin, but I think you're smaller than you were with Joe. You certainly don't look like a giant spider!

I wish I could be there to welcome Earthy Jane, as I'm currently calling your baby. :)

Can't wait to hear about the birth, the c-section, and the holiday spa vacation, not to mention seeing pictures of the newest kiddo. Much love to you, dear friend!