Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Voice of Reason

Yesterday, I was struggling to find a minute to head downstairs for a little quality computer time. I needed desperately to balance the checkbook, and maybe check e-mail. Even with my mother around as a diversion for Finley and Joe, it seemed to be an impossible task. I finished balancing the checkbook with Zivah in one arm, typing and writing with the other.

By the time lunch was over, I wanted to come down and read some blogs and maybe even post something of my own. But the voice of reason said I needed a nap. I slept for an hour and a half. I may have to become a night-time blogger.

Earlier last week, my mom and I were discussing Finley. She is a little over-dramatic. She pouts one second, and is happy the next. She can be very stubborn, and in those instances, most of the usual parenting tricks (like bribery) don't work well with her. According to my mom, she exudes typical firstborn traits. (Maybe I need to read that birth order book.) I have a hard time 'getting' her sometimes. I told my mom that it was my fault: When I found out Finley was a girl, I prayed that she would be strong and independent, not letting others quash her dreams and determinations. I guess God answered that prayer, since that is what she seems to be... a little girl with a fairly strong personality and with her own ideas about the way life should be.

So my mom asked me what I prayed Zivah would be like. My answer: a laid-back, easy-going child. We both had a good laugh.

1 comment:

Shyla said...

Sounds so much like Anna & Ethan respectively!

I do like the birth order book, and I am finding that love and logic stuff really clicks in the oldest child department, when I can manage to chill out myself a little.