Monday, August 4, 2008

For those with a love of good photography...

Some stunning photos coupled with a kick to your thumper.


Shyla said...

How did you come across that? It was beautiful!

So much of our Christian culture is focused on the preciousness and value of life from conception (and well it should be), but often the value of the aged is passed by. I grew up next door to my grandmother, and my two great aunts, two of whom are still living and very much a part of our lives. I am so thankful our children are able to grow up with their influence.

This was wonderful. I loved it.

Wendy said...

Thanks to Lori for passing that along to me.

Lori said...

And James sent it to me. Someone probably sent it to him. :0)

Wendy, you're the only person I sent it to. I knew you'd like it.

Mira's still sleeping, but if she wakes soon and the kids seem up for it, I may come over this morning if that still works for you. Can't wait to see Baby Z again. I'm sure she's changed so much!