Monday, June 29, 2009

Expecting a Visit: a short work of fiction

I have have a cantankerous old aunt named Flo. She's the kind of aunt you have a love/hate relationship with. She always brings headaches and stress, but her presence represents the richness of family.

Before we had kids, when there was still a spare bedroom, Aunt Flo came to visit a lot. She must not like babies, though, because as soon as we told her we were going to have one, she quit coming. Once a baby was born, she would always stop in for a brief visit just to get a peek at the new face, but then refused to come again until the baby was quite a bit older. I offered to help pay for a hotel room, since the spare room was now a nursery, but her visits have been few.

She called a couple months ago to say she was coming to see us again. I bought some of her favorite food to cook for supper, and instructed the older kids and my husband about the way we should behave when she's around. Then we began to wait.

A few times, I could have sworn I saw her car coming down the street, but apparently it wasn't her. I began to wonder if there was something we had done to offend her, so I even called Uncle Eb to see if there was a reason she hadn't come yet. He told me, no, that I should expect her soon.

Yesterday, she pulled into the driveway. She got out of the car, saw me looking out the window, and shook her fist at me, screaming. Then she drove away. Crazy lady.


Shyla said...

That's hilarious!
My Aunt Flo usually pretends that she's coming for three or four months before she finally gets the nerve to actually come. Usually right after the baby turns one.

Great story!

Al said...

Man oh man... she might be fickle, but at least she isn't the over-bearing type. My aunt is just GA GA over the children. She starts dropping by for a day or two when the kids are only 6, maybe 8 weeks old and then she comes for regular visits by the time they are around 3 mo. She is just CRAZY about the kids! :-)

anissa matthews said...

that is hilarious and awesome and kind of unbelievable. i'm laughing hysterically right now. did she call to explain? how incredibly odd. i love it.

Anonymous said...

I read this over and over, trying to figure out if you were announcing a pregnancy!