Wednesday, June 17, 2009

For My Benefit

Things I forgot to document the past two posts (since I never really started my 'garden journal' and know that if I don't type it first, it may never end up in Zivah's baby book):

The lettuce and spinach is bolting. The Blue Jade corn I planted is also flowering. It said it was a dwarf variety that would only grow about 3' tall. I didn't quite realize how small that was! It is cute, and I am hoping that it will pollinate well, as I really want to try the blue sweet corn it is supposed to produce (however small). Oh, and when the package says to plant your squash about 6' apart.... it didn't mention that the vines wouldn't stay in their six foot zone, but would wander all over the garden. It looks like I might have a good winter squash crop, anyway.

Zivah: She is crawling all over the place, getting into the cupboards, etc. Her favorite cupboard is the one where the kids' paint and brushes are located. Most times she'll make a bee-line for it, pull it right open, and scatter the contents across the kitchen floor. She doesn't say any real words to speak of yet, although when she gets to whining, very often, she'll come out with a distinct 'mama-mama'. (I am trying to get her to say 'dada'.) She has pulled herself to a standing position a couple of times, but isn't all that motivated to do so very often. She scooted herself off the shallow step onto the porch once, so now tends to think she can tackle any sort of stair feet first. At church, during worship, she will start to 'sing': "Aaaaaaah." She is a pincher. She pinches hard, then rolls the skin between her fingers. It hurts. When she hasn't seen Chris for a while, either in the morning or when he gets home from work, she gets so excited. Her face lights up (even brighter) with the widest toothless smile she can muster and bounces, flinging drool everywhere. I am thankful that she isn't very clingy. If she isn't tired or hungry, most of the time she is rather content to wander around exploring all the things this house has to offer.

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