Friday, February 26, 2010

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Lately, I've felt myself slipping into a habit a negativity. I like to think of myself generally as having a realistic view of life. At my best moments, it helps me think through things, see potential problems, and figure out ways to avoid those problems, but still have hope that all things are possible. At my worst moments, all I see are the negatives which leads to a hopelessness that makes me want to shut down and give up.

It's been years since I've seen the movie The Life of Brian, but it is hard to forget the last scene (if I'm remembering it correctly) where Brian, the mistaken Christ) is up on a cross, singing with all his might, 'Always look on the bright side of life.'
Absolutely ridiculous, I know, but it's been a good reminder to me lately: something to help me look above the stress and relax a bit and maybe even laugh.


Al said...

i needed this today. a good word. a good word.

Unknown said...

I know we all have those times when we say, what now? Why me? we just have to keep the faith and leave it in his hands. Love you guys