Monday, February 22, 2010

The Doves Are Back

Dear Doves (aka. Lovely Birds),

We have very much enjoyed having you as tenants the past two years, watching you raise your little families.
However, we thought we made it clear when we knocked down your nest last fall that your lease would not be renewed. We are attempting to sell the house and, sorry to say, the droppings that are a result of your residency would probably not be considered a selling point by any potential buyers. I thought this would be doubly clear when, yesterday, I ran out onto the porch, waving my arms and yelling, 'Shoo!'
Apparently, you know me better than I thought. You know that I am a big softy and have conflicting emotions, and really can't bear the thought of running out there every day to try to scare you off. Please don't make me sic my husband on you (although, in all honesty, I doubt his heart is any harder).


1 comment:

Ambra said...

This is awesome. Sorry the doves aren't bringing much peace over there. ;-) Where will you guys be moving to?