Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today, we drove out to Poultry Hollow to pick up some chicks.
We ended up with a mixed dozen... 2 Mottled Houdans, 2 Blue Polish, 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Production Red, 2 that might be Rhode Island Reds, and 2 mystery black ones. The Houdans and Polish were straight run, so we might get some roosters in the mix...

The chicks are now settled in a box, stinking up one of the back rooms. The kids, of course, are thrilled. Zivah nearly breaks down in tears when I shoo her away from the box and out of the room. I keep telling the kids that the chicks can't handle too much more excitement. In reality, I'm probably the one that can't handle the stress. Not having raised chicks before, I am overly anxious, and want to keep checking on them, and whenever one of them plops down and closes an eye to get some sleep, I worry that it is overly stressed and about to die.

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